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Increase your reach, visibility, and sales by advertising on BeyondSurfing.


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Why advertise on BeyondSurfing?

Our website visitors exhibit a keen interest in purchasing top-quality water and winter sports equipment. Your benefits:

  • Reach: Over 1.5 million readers per year.
  • Target Audience Relevance: Reach active beach-, water-, and winter sports enthusiasts.
  • High-Quality Content: Place your ads next to informative product comparisons and tests.
  • Trust and Credibility: Benefit from our established expertise and trustworthiness in the community.
  • Tailored Options: Choose from various advertising formats to achieve your goals.

What advertising options are available?

Our most popular advertising options include (but are not limited to):

  • Product Tests: Showcase your products in authentic and detailed tests by our expert team.
  • Sponsored Content1: Integrated advertorials that seamlessly blend with our editorial content.
  • Sponsored Product Recommendations1: Highlight your products in relevant comparisons.
  • Other: Custom collaborations by agreement.


1Important: Product tests and comparisons are always conducted independently and objectively. Our reviews are not for sale and free from third-party opinions. Sponsored content and paid placements within our comparisons are always clearly marked. Learn more: How we work

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