
Jobs at BeyondSurfing

We are hiring!

BeyondSurfing is always looking for passionate adventurers, water sports enthusiasts, outdoor junkies and content creators. Join our team!

Help us become the best German-language online magazine in the outdoor and water sports sector!

In order to constantly improve our offering, we work with graphic designers, developers, copywriters, virtual assistants and all kinds of experts for outdoor and water sports adventures.

Derzeit sind wir auf der Suche nach folgenden Freelancern:

The ideal candidate?

Our ideal applicant is:

  • extremely self-motivated,
  • works reliably and carefully,
  • is an expert in one or more outdoor activities,
  • has strong writing and analytical skills,
  • loves what he does and is motivated to contribute to the success of BeyondSurfing.

Our freelancers work for us on a contract basis, part-time and location-independently.

Copywriter & Product Reviewer

The job as a copywriter and product reviewer is to familiarize yourself with product categories and the individual products. You have to research user reviews, evaluate individual products, take photos of products used, select award winners, write short summaries and reviews for each product and give purchase recommendations, as well as assistance with purchasing through buying guides.

That sound like you? Then apply now!

Virtual assistant & Content Editor

The tasks of a virtual assistant can vary from project to project. The tasks include research work, data collection, maintenance and upkeep tasks on the website, content revision, as well as coordination and communication with external service providers.

Do you work carefully, conscientiously and already have some experience with WordPress? Then apply now!

PR & Content Marketing

Do you have experience in PR & Content Marketing, would you like to create blog posts for us, write press releases and get in touch with other media on behalf of BeyondSurfing?

That sound like you? Then don’t hesitate and apply now!

How do I apply?

If you would like to apply as a freelancer at BeyondSurfing, please send an email to jobs AT

Important: The subject must state which position you would like to apply for.

Please include the following documents with your application:

  • CV
  • A list of outdoor activities and equipment in which you are an expert. The more specific, the better.
  • 2-3 detailed work samples: We prefer work samples relevant to us and our topics.
  • Additionally for product reviewers: 2-3 example photos of equipment (if available); We prefer photos of equipment in an active environment (= while it is being used).
  • Additionally for virtual assistants: Cover letter
  • Additionally for PR & content marketing: 3-5 ideas on how you would like to contribute successfully to BeyondSurfing.
  • Optional: 3 references; a link to a social media account.